Daily Devotional
Have You Let God’s Word into Your Heart?

“Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.”

Psalm 19:12

Ponder This

Do you know why people have moral earthquakes? Because we have secret faults and we don’t know what’s beneath the surface. The psalmist said, “I can’t understand this.” You see, our hearts are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. So what do we need? We need the Holy Spirit of God to bring conviction of sin. Jesus said, concerning the Holy Spirit, “And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8).

We may agree that we’ve sinned, but we’ll never understand the depth of our sin, or ever truly be convicted of that sin until the Holy Spirit of God speaks to us. God uses His Word for the purpose of conviction and God wants to speak to your heart today. Don’t you let your heart get hard. You can believe intellectually in God, and you can go to Hell with a Bible under your arm unless you let the Word of God come into your heart.

  • What does it mean to let the Word of God into your heart?
  • Do you practice this each day through daily Scripture reading and prayer?

Practice This

Spend time in prayer today, asking God to put His Word into your heart and to reveal your secret faults so that you might repent and turn to Him.


Calling God's Name

Discover the character of God through His many names revealed in Scripture. This month-long devotional invites you to read, reflect, and respond to the meaning of God's names, renewing your mind and transforming your heart in faith.