Daily Devotional
Jesus warned us about this….

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21

General Omar Bradley said this about our generation:

• We know more about war than about peace.
• We know more about killing than about living.
• This is our 20th Century’s claim to progress – knowledge of science outstrips capacity for control.
• We have too many men of science, too few men of God.
• The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience.
• We are a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.

I think he said a mouthful. Jesus said there’s coming a time like never before seen in history – the Great Tribulation. You think of all of the war, all of the famines, heartaches, sickness, the atrocities that had taken place from Adam to Jesus, but Jesus said there's coming a time like none that’s ever been in history. And there will never be a time afterward like it in all of history. That will be a time when all our progresses and advances will come down to one thing – Jesus Christ.

Ask yourself: Where will you be on the day of Tribulation? Where do you want to be?

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