Daily Devotional
Keeping The Commandments, part 2


First John 2:3 says, “And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.”

Now you say, Pastor Rogers, are you telling me that if I ever break any of God’s commandments that means I am not saved? No, I am not saying that because there is not one of us that has not failed and sinned some time after we have been saved. Isn’t that true?

The key is in this word, “keep.” Among other ways this word is used, it’s the word that a sailor would use, a navigator. Back in this day when they sailed by the stars at night, the sailor would keep his course by looking at the stars. This navigation was called keeping the stars.

Now, a sailor might go to sleep at the wheel, have his attention diverted, or get blown of course. But when he recognized it, he would get right back on course because it is not the desire of his life to get off course. The desire of his life is to steer according to that course. That is the way it is with the child of God.

Yes, sometimes, we get blown off course, we take our eyes from the stars, we may fail, but the great desire of our life is to keep the commandments of God.


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