Daily Devotional
Lordship... An Authentic Confession


Let’s just imagine there’s a wedding between Tom and Susan. As they drive away in the car after the ceremony, Susan looks over to her new husband and says, “Tom, would you please take me home?” And he says, “Well Susan, I can’t take you home. You know our home won’t be finished for two weeks. We’re going on our honeymoon, and when our home is finished, I’ll take you home.”

Susie responds, “No, Tom. I want you to understand something. I’m glad you’re my husband. I’ll try to come see you on the weekends. If I need anything, I will call you. But Tom, I’m going back to my old way of life. I’m happy you’re my husband.” In other words, she’s saying, “Tom, take your hands off my life.”

Have you ever known anybody who said, “Lord Jesus, I take you as my Savior. Thank you. Now, that’s done. I’m going back to my old ways. I’ll come see you a few times during the weekend. If I need anything, if I get sick, I will call you.” Friend, that’s the kind of religion that is filling Hell. People have never really made the authentic confession that Jesus Christ is Lord.



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Real truth never changes, and the truth about government is that it is God who ordains it, leaders who are responsible for it, and citizens who are accountable to it. The privilege of being called Americans comes with significant responsibilities—to God, to each other, and to the world.