"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."
March 4, 2019
Meekness is one of the most confused, misunderstood words in all of the Beatitudes, because most people confuse meekness with weakness. Jesus said He was “meek and lowly” (Matthew 11:29), but He wasn’t weak.
The word “meek” means “strength that is brought under control.”
When horse trainers “break” horses, they describe what they do as the horse being “meeked.” They don’t cripple the horse or take away his strength. They train him to use his strength in control.
In the same way, God doesn’t come into your life to cripple you but to control you so that He might complete you. That means you take the reins of your life and say, “Here they are, Lord. I give the reins to You. I turn my life over to You.” I did that with Jesus Christ. But I must continually update it, continually be turning my life over to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ask your heavenly Father today to break the strongholds in your life, break your strong will, and replace it with His strength under discipline. He will do it, if you give Him permission. This is the heart of true meekness.
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