Daily Devotional
Men And Women Of Valor


There are some of you who could witness. But you don’t witness because you’re afraid. Some of you could teach. But you don’t teach because you’re afraid. Some of you could sing, but the icy fingers of fear would grip your throat, and therefore, you don’t sing. Some of you ought to tithe, but you’re afraid you won’t have enough money if you tithe. And so fear keeps you from doing that.

Some of you could launch out into some business venture, or to some episode that God has for your life, because God has called you and God has equipped you.

But you are like the man in Matthew chapter 25 who buried his talent in the ground, and when his lord asked for an accounting, he said, “I was afraid.” Fear and sin are inseparably linked. And the first words that Adam spoke in the Garden after he’d sinned are these: “I heard Your voice, and I was afraid.”

“I was afraid.” What kind of people is God looking for today? God is looking for men and women of vision and men and women of valor! Don’t let the devil intimidate you! Friend, here is God’s rationale: “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)


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