“Then he [one of the two thieves crucified alongside Jesus] said to Jesus, ‘Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise’”
March 18, 2020
The Polish astronomer Copernicus, through his writings and education, changed the concepts of what men think about the universe and how the universe runs. He was a brilliant man. But when Copernicus came to die, he did not see himself as an astronomer, but as a sinner in need of forgiveness. He asked that this epitaph be inscribed on his gravestone:
Lord, I do not ask the kindness Thou didst show to Peter. I do not dare ask the grace Thou didst grant to Paul; but, Lord, the mercy Thou didst show to the dying robber, that mercy show to me. That earnestly I pray.
Copernicus was a brilliant man. But he didn’t let fame or brilliance get in the way of his salvation.
Do you want that today? Do you want the mercy that God showed to the dying thief? He will show it to you and save you today.
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