Daily Devotional
No Fear Of False Cults

Ponder This

False cults did not take our Lord by surprise and they ought not to take you by surprise because this world is full of false cults and apostate Christians. There are many who trudge to church Sunday after Sunday whose lives are not changed. And on top of that, they are twice-fold the children of hell because they are in false religions.

I am amazed at how many people who were once in Bible-believing churches are drawn aside because they do not understand our Lord when He said, “Beware of false prophets” (Matthew 7:15).

Friend, we don’t have anything to fear from cults. We don’t have anything to fear from apostate Christianity. Truth is stronger than error. “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Every now and then I hear people talk about a cult building a church, a center, a temple, or a mosque in their neighborhood and they become fearful. We don’t have anything to fear from them. Instead, we need to have a reverential fear of God so He will turn us from our own lethargy, apathy, and failure to preach the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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