Daily Devotional
One Plus One Equals One


Do you know what is wrong with so many marriages? Husbands treat their wives as a possession rather than a part of themselves.

They treat their wives like a man treats a new car. When it’s new, he shows it off; and then when it gets old and the paint fades a little, he trades her in for a new model.

May I speak directly to the husband when I say this: Sir, your wife is a part of you, and you are to love her sacrificially. You are to satisfy her needs. You are also to share all you have with her.

God’s arithmetic is one plus one equals one! Matthew 19:6 says, "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." There’s no part of a husband's life that he doesn't share with his wife.

Once again, let me address the husband: Mister, are you the strong, silent type? You’re not like Jesus. Jesus shares with the church. The Holy Spirit of God teaches us to share. No part of your life should be private. Do you love your wife by sacrificing for her, satisfying her, and sharing with her?



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