January 1, 2019
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
Do you want to win the prize that Paul talks about? He didn’t want to fail. He strained with every inch, every ounce, every nerve, and every part of his body to win the prize. He had ambition. But it was more than just ambition, it was a holy ambition.
He said, “I want that prize and I’m going to have it. I’m going to be like an athlete who denies his own body worldly pleasures. I’m going to train like an athlete. I’m going to stay in shape for the Lord Jesus. I’m going to do all that is necessary that I may win.”
Friend, the Bible clearly teaches we ought to be ambitious, but for the right reason. And that reason is the Lord Jesus Christ. In this new year, may God deliver us from pint-sized ambitions and small-time aspirations.
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