Daily Devotional
Prioritizing Your Life


Sometimes I hear adults tell young people, “Make all the money you can, just so you make it honestly.” That’s not good advice. If you make all the money you can, you are going to be making money when you should be doing something else.

You are going to be making money when you ought to be quiet and alone with God. I’m not against making money. I’m not against business. I’m trying to tell you that you need to stop and prioritize your life.

Do you know what I think God does with some of us? He makes us lie down. David said, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters.” He also said, “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept Thy word” (Psalm 119:67). And in another place, he said, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes” (Psalm 119:71).

Why don’t you just say, “Never mind Lord, You don’t have to do it that way. I’d rather just slow down. I want to get quiet. I want to be still. I want to know that Thou art God.”


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