Daily Devotional
Satan: The Angel Of Light?


Everyone knows there is a crisis in the world. We’re in a war! It is a spiritual war, and we’re not even going to understand the war until we expose the enemy, the power behind the throne. Who is the mastermind of all the evil today? Satan himself.

Many people ask, “Where did the devil come from? Why did God create him?” God did not create him as the devil. He was an angel, created in absolute perfection. Ezekiel 28:15 says, “You were perfect in all your ways from the day you were created until iniquity was found in you.” The name Lucifer literally means “bearer of light.” God gave him the ability to choose between good and evil. He was a bright, shining individual, but He chose evil, and what motivated his choice was his pride.

When he tempted the Lord Jesus, he had the audacity to say, “Fall down and worship me!” He has always wanted to be worshiped. You’ll find him today in theological institutions, in liberal, worldly, ungodly churches, and in false cults. We’re going to see more of it in the last days.

On the Cross when Jesus cried, “It is finished,” Satan’s kingdom was finished. His back was broken! He sails a sinking ship! He rules a doomed domain! It is finished indeed.

Hell was not created for you but for the devil and his angels. Don’t ever get the idea that God made anyone to go to hell. You can go there if you wish, but you’ll be an intruder. You don’t belong there. God made you for Himself, to know Him, love Him and worship Him.

There are two categories of people: those who, like Satan, will say to God, “Not Your will, but mine be done.” And those like Jesus who say, “Not my will, Father, but Yours be done.” It doesn’t make sense to follow a loser. Give your heart to Jesus.



Real Truth Never Changes

Real truth never changes, and the truth about government is that it is God who ordains it, leaders who are responsible for it, and citizens who are accountable to it. The privilege of being called Americans comes with significant responsibilities—to God, to each other, and to the world.