Daily Devotional
The Church - A Restraint To Evil


Did you know that the Holy Spirit, inhabiting His people as the church, has Satan on a leash? There are certain things Satan would like to do, but he cannot do. Study the first chapter of Job where Satan speaks to God and mentions a hedge around Job (see Job 1:10).

One of these days, Satan is going to be released and the restraint will be gone. When will that be? When the church is raptured! You see, the world doesn't like us. They wish we were gone. We are a pain to them.

The Bible calls us salt and light. What does salt do? It preserves, but it also stings and irritates. One of these days, this preserving, stinging, irritating salt will be taken out. And when that happens, there will be such a flood of lawlessness that the world won’t be able to stop it. You might as well try to dam up Niagara Falls with toothpicks as to stop the flood of wickedness that will come in that day.


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