Daily Devotional
The Conquest: Standing in Holy Boldness

“But Peter and John answered and said to them, ‘Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard’”

Acts 4:19-20

Ponder This

The religious leaders told Peter and John “you can’t preach a risen Lord.” They didn’t want this message out because of the power of the message. A story is told that one demon said to another: “If those liberal theologians ever really let Jesus out of the grave, Hell help us because all Heaven will break loose!” That’s true! You might as well have told the sun not to shine as to tell Peter and John they could not preach a risen Christ. They had seen Him! They knew He was alive. You could not shut them up. They had no church building and yet they turned their world upside down and inside out for Jesus. You know what we need today? We need an epidemic of Holy Boldness. It’s not arrogance, self-confidence, human courage or presumption. It’s a boldness that comes from spending time in the presence of the living Lord Jesus Christ. His presence compels us. We cannot but speak.

Practice This

Have you met the risen Christ? If not, He is ready to make all Heaven break loose in your life! If you know Him, are you infected with Holy Boldness; do you need to spend more time in His presence to catch the fever?

Our regular daily devotionals will return tomorrow. We are combining our daily devotionals, radio program, and 90-second Treasure from the Word to be concisely delivered in one email – Love Worth Finding: Daily Heartbeat. 

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Real Truth Never Changes

Real truth never changes, and the truth about government is that it is God who ordains it, leaders who are responsible for it, and citizens who are accountable to it. The privilege of being called Americans comes with significant responsibilities—to God, to each other, and to the world.