Daily Devotional
The Cross: Once and for All

“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God…”

1 Peter 3:18

Ponder This

In Rome, when a man would be judged guilty of a crime, he would be put in prison. A certificate of debt would be placed on his prison door. After he had done his time and paid the penalty for his crime and had satisfied the demands of the law, a word would be written across the certificate of debt. The word was tetelestai, which means, literally, “it is finished” or “it is paid in full.” Because this debt to society was paid, it meant that the man would never have to come into double jeopardy; he’d never be judged for that crime again. It is the same for you and me. If you belong to Jesus Christ, that is, if you have accepted the payment He made for sin on the cross and acknowledged that He is Lord of your life, you are “saved.” Your debt is tetelestai. You cannot get lost after you are saved, because if you could (which you can’t), Jesus would have to die again to save you.

Practice This

When Jesus said, “It is finished,” we can take Him at His word. If you know that you gave your life to Him, determine today that you will never again wonder whether Jesus has the power to forgive all of your sin, past, present, and future that He might bring you to God.


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