“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him”
April 1, 2020
The word Gethsemane literally means “oil press.” It was in this garden that they had a giant press to squeeze the olive oil from the olives. It was here Jesus prayed three times, “Lord, if it be possible let this cup pass from Me.” I don’t want to drink this cup—to experience this cup fully, to take it into my very being. It was the cup of agony that Jesus drank in dark Gethsemane and He drank it there alone. The pollution of sin was in that cup. Take all the sin of the past and all the sin of the future, distill it, put it in this cup. Put rape in there. Put sodomy in there. Put child abuse in there. Put Hitler’s gas ovens in there. Put murder in there. Put blasphemy in there. Put witchcraft in there. Put filth in there and say, Jesus drink it. Drink it. Drink the bitter dregs, become sin. Not just bear sin, but become sin. For us.
Jesus died for your sin. Have you accepted His bountiful cup of grace, experienced it fully, taken it into your very being? Spend some time in prayer thanking Him for drinking the poisonous cup of sin—past, present, and future—pressed from the shortcomings of your life.
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