Daily Devotional
The Good Shepherd


The Lord Jesus is described as a shepherd three times in the New Testament. He is described first of all as the Good Shepherd in John 10:11 when He says, “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.”

To guard against predators, a shepherd will sleep at the door, or gate, of the sheepfold. His sheep mean everything to him. They are his livelihood. Even when he sleeps, it will be with one eye open so he can be awakened at even the slightest hint of danger.

Nails didn’t hold Jesus to the cross. Silver cords of love and golden bonds of redemption held Jesus Christ to that cross. A shepherd may kill one of his sheep because he is hungry and wants food, but who ever heard of a shepherd dying for a sheep? And yet Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd that lays down His life for the sheep.”



Real Truth Never Changes

Real truth never changes, and the truth about government is that it is God who ordains it, leaders who are responsible for it, and citizens who are accountable to it. The privilege of being called Americans comes with significant responsibilities—to God, to each other, and to the world.