June 5, 2017
I want to tell you that it is King Alcohol that is making our highways slaughter pens and ruining domestic tranquility in our homes.
People start out drinking for happiness; then it only makes them unhappy. Drinking produces one contradiction after another.
Drink for friendship and make an enemy. Drink for sleep and awaken without rest. Drink for strength and feel weak. Drink medicinally and acquire health problems. Drink for relaxation and get the shakes. Drink for bravery and become afraid. Drink for confidence and become doubtful.
Drink to converse more easily and get slurred speech. Drink to feel “heavenly” and end up feeling “hellish." Drink to forget and be forever haunted. Drink for freedom and become a slave. Drink to erase problems and see them multiply. Drink to cope with life and invite death.
What a mockery alcohol makes of this society!
Proverbs 23:29-35 warns, "Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has contentions? Who has complaints? Who has wounds without cause? Who has redness of eyes? Those who linger long at the wine, Those who go in search of mixed wine. Do not look on the wine when it is red, When it sparkles in the cup, When it swirls around smoothly; At the last it bites like a serpent, And stings like a viper. Your eyes will see strange things, And your heart will utter perverse things. Yes, you will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea, Or like one who lies at the top of the mast, saying: “They have struck me, but I was not hurt; They have beaten me, but I did not feel it. When shall I awake, that I may seek another drink?”
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