October 9, 2017
A little lady had walked with God for many, many years, and she was a saint by every measure of the word. At last her body grew frail and her life was ebbing away. Her loved ones gathered around her, wringing their hands and crying. She looked up at them and said, “Now, go ahead and cry if you must. But,” she said, “don't cry for me. I am tickled to death to die.”
Now, death is not a popular subject. As a matter of fact, when you mention death, most people will change the subject like they switch channels on the TV set.
But as much as we try to avoid it, death is a very real fact; and it's something we’re not to be afraid of. Really, it’s something we are to anticipate. And like David, we know the Lord is our Shepherd, and we can say, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4).
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Your gift today will help others hear the profound truth of the Gospel…simply stated by Pastor Adrian Rogers.