Daily Devotional
Trust and Believe in Jesus

“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Romans 10:9-10

Ponder This

One time I was praying with a woman in the hospital, and I heard somebody down the hall call, “Come see me too.” So, I went there, and there in that hospital bed was a precious lady. Pain was on her face. Despair was in her heart. I could tell that she had very little time to live. She said, “I’m not ready to meet God. Can you help me?” I said I could, and I told her about Jesus. I told her, “If you’ll trust Him, He’ll save you.” She asked for my help, so I asked her to pray with me, repeating my words, “Dear God, I know You love me. I know You want to save me. Jesus, I believe God raised you from the dead. I open my heart, and I receive You now as my Lord and Savior. Amen.”

She repeated every word and when I opened my eyes, I expected to see peace on her face, but I saw a tortured look. She asked, “How can just saying that do any good?” And I said, “You’re right. It is more than words. It is believing and truly trusting in Jesus that saves you. Now, let’s pray it again and this time, put your faith in Jesus.” We prayed it again and she said, “Lord, I really trust you.” And I saw the peace of God come over that precious woman’s face.

That’s what miracles are about. Believe in miracles, but trust in Jesus.

  • When was a time you received encouragement that didn’t feel sincere? What was that like?
  • Have you ever read a promise in Scripture and just agreed without absorbing the full meaning? Have you found the Word of God to penetrate more when you reread a passage, giving it your full attention?

Practice This

Ask a friend to speak to an area of your life where you may be saying the right words but not trusting God with a sincere heart.

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