Daily Devotional
Trying, Not Trusting For Blessing


Now if ever there was a guy that was shady, it was old Jacob.

Esau despised his birthright and Jacob wanted it. Jacob wanted the right thing…he had a heart for God…but he couldn’t trust God for it. The blessing was already his, but by trying rather than trusting, he begins to get into all these deals where he trades stew for the birthright that was already his. He tries to deceive his father to get the blessing that was already his!

He is like so many Christians today who are scheming and trying when they ought to be trusting God and putting things into the hands of God.

You see, God has blessed us and we have a birthright. Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”

The birthright was already Jacob’s. He was fighting a battle already lost rather than enjoying a victory already won.


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