Daily Devotional
What if you got a note like this?


“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

A young preacher was called out of a life of sin to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. While in the pulpit one day, he received a note in which someone had written all his past sins. In addition it read, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? And you’re up there telling people to get right with God!”

Do you know what the young preacher did? He read that note, bowed his head in prayer, stood up and said, “Ladies and gentleman I have received a note, and here is what it says.” Then in front of that whole crowd he read every one of those sins. Then he said,: “Yes, I am ashamed of myself, but I am not ashamed of my Savior!”

What are some past sins in your life that are holding you back from fully proclaiming God’s power to others? Confess them. And bury them in His sea of forgetfulness.


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