“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
March 23, 2021
Do you know what’s wrong with many of us? We’re trying to get out of trouble rather than get into righteousness.
We’re so focused on the defensive side of Christianity that we forget about the offensive, positive approach.
Wouldn’t you like to rise up and experience the abundant life our Lord talks about? Jesus came to give us eternal life—the abundant life. We need to do like the old song says, “Accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative.”
Why don’t you determine today that you are going to get right with God and stay right with God? The abundant life comes as a matter of course once you determine you’re going to lead a life of obedience.
Learn to walk with Jesus moment by moment each day.
The 365 daily readings in this devotional were developed directly from the sound biblical teaching of Pastor Adrian Rogers. His way of simply stating the truth of Jesus Christ is unparalleled. Page after page you’ll get something new to think about and to talk to God about in your moments with Him.