Daily Devotional
What’s the hardest miracle?


“I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no Savior.” Isaiah 43:11


It takes more of God’s power to save a soul through the cross of Jesus than it does to do any other thing. God had no difficulty creating the universe. He simply spoke, and it was so, the Bible tells us. But when God wrote salvation’s story, He went to great difficulty. Let me illustrate.

What if I held a service and had the power to straighten the legs of someone who couldn’t walk? Or I could bring sight to the blind? The next service would be standing room only. Now I certainly want God to heal, but let me suggest a different scene.

What if I held a service and a little girl walked down the aisle and gave her heart to Jesus? That is a greater miracle than opening the eyes of the blind, because the Son of God had to hang on a cross in agony and blood to purchase her salvation! He didn’t speak salvation into existence, He died for it! Jesus did not come as a great healer or teacher, He came as a Savior.


Ask God today to give you the heavenly view—the viewpoint of Heaven—for the angels in heaven rejoice each time one lost person receives eternal life. This is the greatest miracle.

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