Daily Devotional
You're not born that way


Moreover, whom He did predestinate, them He also called. And whom He called, them He also justified. And whom He justified, them He also glorified. Romans 8:30


One time a man came into a village and asked an old man living there, “Were any great men ever born here?” The old man answered, “No. Just babies.”

Great people are not born; great people are made, often born out of a crucible of testing, trials and suffering. Great people are continually investing in the lives of others, sharing God’s love, and showing His mercies.

There is no magic formula that instantly makes us sanctified. Salvation (justification) can take place in an instant when you put your faith in Christ. But sanctification is a process. Our calling is to be poured out into the lives of others for His glory.


How can you be poured out into the lives of others? What does that mean? Well, a good start is to show His mercies to a lost co-worker or neighbor today. Pray for that opportunity, then watch to see how God provides!

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