Daily Devotional
You've Got 3 Ways to Get to Heaven

“…not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit…”

Titus 3:5

Ponder This

Theoretically, there are three ways you can get to Heaven:

  1. Die before you reach the age of accountability. Precious little children who die before they know right from wrong go immediately to Heaven. Joyce and I have a little baby boy there. I confidently expect to meet our son Philip in Heaven. If you understand what I’m saying, that opportunity is passed for you. Strike one.
  2. Be perfect, never sin. Keep all the commandments perfectly. Never commit an evil deed or have an evil thought. If you could keep them, it would show you have no sinful nature; you wouldn't need to be saved. But no one can. Is there anyone reading this who has never sinned at all? Strike two. Since Genesis 3, we are born with a sin nature.
  3. Give your heart to Jesus Christ. Receive Him and His death on Calvary as full payment for your sin.

You see, you already have two strikes against you when you come to the plate. Pass the age of accountability—Strike one. Commit a sin—Strike two. One last opportunity: Receive Jesus Christ. If you don't, Strike three—you're out. The Bible is clear: you can’t do anything to merit eternal life in and of yourself.

Practice This

The only way to Heaven is to receive Christ as your personal Savior. Are you certain you’re saved, your sins forgiven? It’s not something you inherit by doing it; it’s a gift of God you receive by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you’re not sure or have never taken that step, please go to LWF.org/Discover-Jesus.

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