Inspiring Bible Verses About Children
Sometimes though, it can be difficult to know what to pray about. We’re not sure what we should ask God to do and so we pray generic, unspecific prayers.
Use these prayers to guide you as you seek the Lord.
The most important thing you can pray for your family is that each person would know the Lord. That all of your children and siblings and relatives would have a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ. There are other very important things but this is the most crucial by far.
You can be encouraged in your prayers by
1 Timothy 2:4, which says that God, “...desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
God earnestly wants your family members to be saved and will use your prayers to do great things in their lives.
Lord, I thank you that you deeply love every member of my family. You want each of them to know you personally. You desire to forgive their sins through Jesus Christ and to bring them into your family. You are not far away from them. On the contrary, you are ready to welcome them with outstretched arms.
Please draw my family members to yourself. Show them how much you love them and care about them. Cause them to be deeply unsatisfied apart from you and to come to the conclusion that they desperately need you.
I know that no person is beyond your reach. You saved the Apostle Paul even as he was actively killing your people. You saved John Newton when he was a slave trader. I know that you can save every person in my family. I pray for their salvation in faith, believing that you will use this prayer to bring about salvation.
In Jesus' name, amen.
Love is what binds a family together through thick and thin. Every family has its own set of trials, conflicts, and difficulties. But when every family member is committed to the others in love, God is glorified and the family is brought close together.
In John 13:35, Jesus said, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
When you and your family members love one another with a Christ-like love, it shows the world that you are followers of Christ. This is why it’s so essential to pray for love.
Lord, first and foremost, I want to thank you for your great love. You have loved me with an everlasting love, and you demonstrated the depths of your love by sending Jesus to save me. I want to love my family members in response to the great love that you have poured out on me. I want my love to be a reflection of your love.
Please help me to love every member of my family. Help me to be patient, gracious, kind, and longsuffering. Help me to be more concerned with how I can serve them than how I can get what I want. I want to love them with the same deep love that you have poured out on me.
I also ask that you would fill all the members of my family with love for one another. Let your divine love and peace cover our family.
In Jesus' name, amen.
There is a distinct lack of joy in the world. If someone doesn’t know the Lord, they seek their happiness in things that will never fulfill them, like their career, sex, money, or possessions. The more they dive into these things, the less true joy they experience.
Pastor Adrian Rogers said:
"One of the most important reasons joy is important is to win the lost to Jesus. You can’t go around with a Bible under one arm and a tombstone under the other saying, “Don’t you want to be like I am?” Our best advertisement is the joy of the Lord."
Additionally, when we’re joyful it strengthens us to walk through the trials and tribulations of life. In light of this, we should regularly pray for joy, both for ourselves and for our family members.
Lord, you are the source of all true joy and happiness. There is no lasting satisfaction apart from you, no deep and abundant life. At your right hand are pleasures forevermore and in your presence, there is fullness of joy. Thank you that you want to give your divine joy to me and my family members.
Please help each of us to find all our joy in you. Keep us from running after empty pleasures that can’t really satisfy. Help us to pursue you above every earthly pleasure and to seek you more than the treasures of this world.
Please give us so much joy that our friends and neighbors can’t help but notice it. Draw them to yourself through us. Help us show a desperate and needy world that you truly are the pearl of greatest price.
In Jesus' name, amen.
The world can be a pretty confusing place. Every day, we’re confronted with numerous important decisions. Should I take this job? Should I date this person? Should I send my kids to this school? We all need guidance from God. We need Him to show us the way we should go.
The good news is that you can be sure that God will guide you. Pastor Adrian Rogers said:
"Are you facing a struggle in your life today? Perhaps there is a decision that you need to make, but don’t know what to do. Friend, let me tell you the way to find what God wants for you. Take hold of the Lord with both hands and in faith tell Him, “Sink or swim, live or die, once and for all, now and forever, I’m going for You, God.”
Through prayer, you can “take hold” of the Lord. You can ask Him to lead you and all your family members, confident that He’ll guide you in the best path.
Lord, I may not know the way forward but you do. You know the end from the beginning, the future from the past. Nothing is mysterious to you or hidden from your sight. You have promised that if I trust in you with all my heart that you will make my paths straight. I choose to lean on you instead of my own understanding.
Please guide me and my family members in your will. Show us the way to go. Help us make wise decisions that will honor you and bring you glory. Help us to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness.
I am confident that you are leading and guiding us each step of the way. Even though I may not know exactly where we’re headed, I firmly trust that you do. You will lead us to still waters and green pastures.
In Jesus name, amen.
In this post, we’re going to look at what God’s word has to say about the family. When you understand God’s truth and apply it within your family, you will see an amazing transformation.
Few things are more important than the health of you and your family members. When you or a family member is sick, it sucks up all your energy and attention. You worry about them and do everything in your power to help them get better. You desperately want to see them healed.
Now, to be clear, God didn’t promise to heal us of every sickness. We live in a fallen world where sickness is part of life.
But throughout the Bible, we see many examples of God healing and restoring people.
James 5:15 says, “And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.”
In light of this divine invitation to pray for healing, we should regularly ask God to give us and our family members good health.
Lord, you are a God of life. You hold everything in your hands and sustain all things. All health and strength comes from you. Those who wait on you and depend on you will renew their strength. They will rise up on wings like eagles and walk and not be faint.
Please give good health to every member of my family. Heal our sicknesses and take away our diseases. Refresh us in our weariness and give us fresh strength to serve you and our neighbors. We depend on you for all things and can do nothing without you. Thank you for how you have sustained us thus far and will continue to sustain us.
In Jesus' name, amen.
God loves to hear your prayers for family. There is nothing too big or small for God. Pastor Adrian Rogers said:
"There’s nothing in life outside the reach of prayer. If it concerns you, it concerns God. We sometimes try to divide life into two separate categories: the secular and the sacred. We say, “This is the sacred part of life. We’ll pray about this. But this over here is secular. I’ll handle this myself.” But for the child of God, everything that concerns us, concerns Him."
Bring all your requests to God in faith. Ask Him to move in your own life and the lives of your family members. God is not distant or far away. You can be confident that He hears every word you say to Him and that He will respond to your prayers.