Reassuring Bible Verses About Doubt
We live in a world that is full of worrying things. We worry about our finances, health, family members, politics, jobs, and a thousand other things. If we’re honest, the phrase, “Don’t worry, be happy,” often seems like a pipe dream. It seems utterly impossible to escape worry.
And yet, again and again in the Bible, God commands us not to worry. In fact, when we worry, we wound the heart of God. Pastor Adrian Rogers said:
Worry is a wound in the heart of God. “Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?” Worry is an insult to God. It says, “God, Romans 8:28 is a lie.” Worry has you living like a pagan, thinking like the world, not someone who has a heavenly Father.
But He doesn’t just command us not to worry and then leave us on our own. On the contrary, God gives us many Bible verses for worry.
These Bible verses for worry are ammunition for the fight. When worry starts to creep upon us, we can turn to the promises of God for comfort and assurance.
If you struggle with worry, lean heavily on these verses.
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).
One of the keys to overcoming worry is to recognize that God Himself is with you. Nothing and no one is as powerful as God. He is in control of all things and rules over all things.
Nothing surprises Him or catches Him off guard. The almighty God has promised to walk with you, strengthen you, help you, and uphold you. He is greater than your struggles and worries. He’s greater than any financial problems, health issues, or family difficulties. Those things don’t scare or intimidate your God.
God’s plans for us are often beyond our understanding. We need to trust, even when we can't comprehend. You may not understand what God is up to, but you can be absolutely confident that He is with you every step of the way.
Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? (Matthew 6:25-26)
Have you ever thought about how wonderfully God cares for His creation? He provides lavishly! The birds don’t do any work to provide for themselves - they don’t plant seeds or gather harvests. And yet God gives them everything they need. He showers flowers with rain and nourishes them with sunshine so that they explode into glorious colors.
You are so much more valuable to God than the birds or flowers. Unlike them, you are created in the image of God. On top of this, Christ died for you! He didn’t die for birds or flowers, but He loved you so much that He gave Himself up for you. God has adopted you into His family as His precious child.
Because you are so valuable to God, you can be absolutely sure that He will take care of you. No matter what circumstances you’re facing, no matter what storms are swirling around you, God will care for you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).
When you’re faced with difficult circumstances, it’s tempting to rely upon your own understanding. To try to figure out how everything will work out. To focus all your attention on what is immediately in front of you and look for the best path forward.
God, however, calls you to a better way. Instead of relying on what you can see and understand, rely upon Him. Turn to Him and place your trust in His goodness and sovereignty. You may not understand what is happening, but God certainly does.
As you trust God and His goodness, you can be sure that He will lead you in straight paths. He will take you exactly where you’re supposed to be and you will arrive exactly when He wants you to.
All of us struggle with negative emotions and feelings from time to time. We’re going to look at what God has to say about our negative emotions and feelings.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).
If you try to handle all that life throws at you through your own strength, you will most likely be anxious about a lot of things. You will find yourself overwhelmed by worry and fear and anxiety.
God doesn’t want you to try to bear all the burdens of life on your own. Instead, He invites you to bring everything - every worry and fear and anxiety - to Him through prayer and supplication.
When you lay your worries at the feet of the Lord, something amazing happens: you experience the peace that passes understanding. The peace that God offers is not dependent on your circumstances because it comes from God. If you are struggling with worry, run to God in prayer. He is eager to give you His supernatural peace.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble (Matthew 6:33-34).
The alternative to worrying is seeking God and His kingdom. God has promised that if you faithfully seek to love Him and serve Him, He will abundantly provide for all your needs.
Pastor Adrian Rogers said:
"Worry steals strength. Worry is contagious—it spreads gloom everywhere, taking the joy out of today and the strength out of tomorrow. When we pile tomorrow’s problems on to today, it breaks us down. You arrive at tomorrow out of breath because you’ve been carrying today a double load that God didn’t intend."
Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22).
Whenever you feel burdened, immediately cast that burden upon the Lord. God will sustain you even though the burdens may be heavy. No burden is too heavy for the Lord.
Heed the words of the classic hymn “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”:
Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).
Absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of God.
Angels and demons can’t. Health or financial difficulties can’t. Even death itself can’t take you away from God’s deep and mighty love.
This profound truth frees you from worry. God is present with you now, in the future, in the heights, and in the depths. No matter what you encounter and no matter where you are, God is with you. And if God is with you, then nothing can stand against you.
God doesn’t want you to be brought low by worry. He wants you to be free from the heavy chains of fear and anxiety that drag so many people down. He’s given you these Bible verses for worry to help you walk in freedom and joy.
One of the reasons God gives you problems is so that you will draw near to Him and experience His presence. As Pastor Adrian Rogers said:
"Because God loves you, He arranges some problems for you. We wouldn’t come to God, trust Him, or lean on Him if we didn’t have problems. Trouble reminds us that we must come to God."
Come to God today with every worry.