Prayer Wall

We believe in the power of prayer. This public prayer wall is offered as a service to the LWF Community and is prayed for by the LWF Community. Posts made to this wall will remain available here for 30 days. Please pray for these requests as you review them and encourage others by letting them know you prayed for them.
(Note: This wall is occasionally reviewed and inappropriate posts will be removed.)

Submit a Request
July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray protection ,peace,and deliverance for me from all confusion,depression,anxiety,marine spirits,all disruptive forces torment and bondage ty God bless you mighty prayer warriors

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris , Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles , Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship , In Jesus name , Amen , Isaac

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

My dog slipped out of his harness last night and run off. He's a traumatised rescue and we're really worried about his wellbeing. Please pray that he'll return home safely asap.

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please ask God to draw my family members to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Pray that each member will accept Jesus as Savior and Lord of their life. Thank you.

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for vindicating me in every area of my life. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, LORD, for vindicating me in every area of my life. God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17, please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, because You, God, have helped &comforted me. IJN AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for 92 year old Don who can't swallow do to accident and is fading away. Pray for wife Maggie who is in bad distress at these events. Thank you.

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Dear God, Heavenly Father Please Bless Willie Richie he's struggling created in him a new mind body and spirit. Cleanse and restore him. Father God teach him how to LOVE your way not his way. Father God show him your LOVE. Father God order his steps and keep your hand on him. Father God keep me

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for my blood pressure to not get too high and for me to not have a panic attack and to relax and rest and be okay please

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray for certain angelic activity, unspoken requests, healing, my situations, my conscience, peace, my friendships, provision, my future, my investments, no fear, my faith, & my job. Pray for weather concerns, my transportation, for well-being, great strength, freedom, holiness, & repentance. Tks.

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that my older sis wants to mend our relationship. Thank You for giving me the ability to text something appropriate for her 70th birthday today. She seemed to like it. Our father died on her birthday 16 yrs ago. How sad. Pray she has a great 70th!

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for GOD to again disperse the storms and heavy rain predicted for this week. The last one two days ago was very mild and the flood waters have begun to recede. But we still need a break from heavy rain for a while. In Jesus Christ's Name Amen.

July 3, 2024

Kemberli Allen

Pray for this Request

Pray pray over me my job home and marriage Prayers Prayers. There is an attack against me not to exceed my numbers this month lose my home job and marriage please pray pray pray. I keep hearing my husband doesn't want me please pray My husband said he heard the other day send her to Virginia...

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for my son and his court event today-he is wanting to share his side of an incident-please pray that he comes home from court safely and able to put the event behind him.

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for me to have a blessed day at work. Also for healing and relief from pain. Thanks

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor and preference with Anneke, Simon, Liesl, Merriam, Jacques, Andrew, Mario and Jenna. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Father God, thank You that, according to Psalm 139:5, You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way& in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. Thank You that with Your hand of love upon my life, You impart a Father’s blessing to me. I receive Your blessing, God. IJN Amen

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor with Alec. Please let Alec be extremely proud of me. Please let Alec only have good & positive things to say about me and my work. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor & preference with Cerrie. Please let Cerrie only have good & positive things to say about me. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

We're need help in every of my son and my lives in the name of Jesus for all of our needs to be met and supplied according to God's riches and glory and protection over my son and my lives. Please help us now in the name of Jesus. We're in dire need of help now in the name of Jesus. Please help us n

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Keep praying for our son mike healing and prayer for our brother wilmer healing and prayers for our sons Chris and Daniel meet a good Christain lady

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray all goes well with the pregnancy and delivery for my niece and her baby due this month of July.

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for vindicating me in every area of my life. God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17, please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, because You, God, have helped &comforted me. IJN AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me physically, spiritually, financially, and emotionally against Conrad A. By the power in Jesus' name I CANCEL every negative word/curse Conrad has uttered, wrote/ thought regarding me. Thank You, God, for restoring to me everything that I have lost. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

In Jesus’ name, I cancel any &all witchcraft or mind control prayers that anyone has uttered, written/ spoken regarding me. I cancel & declare null & void the spirit of confusion. I proclaim & declare 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has given me a sound mind and that I have a sound mind. In Jesus’ name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Abba Father, I ask You to cancel every evil plot or plan of the enemy against me. Lord, Your Word says in Psalm 91 that You rescue those who love You & protect those who trust in Your name. Lord, I love You & I trust in Your name. Thank You for rescuing me & protecting me, God. In Jesus’ name Amen

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord, please let Mario pay all my outstanding invoices. Lord, I have already done the work. Please let Mario pay me for the work I have already done. Convict Mario, Lord. in Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You Father God for creating a hedge of protection around me, my office, house& car. Please send me 10000 times the amount of angelic protection that I normally receive. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please help me to see my own value and worth as a child of God. In Jesus’ name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor with Paul, Jenine, Nico, Esbie, Elisabet and Hennie. Lord, please let them only have good & positive things to say about me & let them feel honoured to have met me. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor with Jean. Please let Jean be very happy with me and with my work. Please let her only have good & positive things to say about me and my work. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Heavenly Father, please let Mercades pay me the full amount of what she owes me, so that I can also pay my bills. Please God, convict Mercades. Please let her pay me all the monies that her firm owes me that are long overdue. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Father, thank You that every day I can live my life rooted in my relationship with You. Thank You for planting me in the streams of Your living water that all the opposition and negative circumstances cannot diminish. I look forward to the abundance You are producing in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor & preference with Micaela, Shando, Jose and Mr Kelly. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for protecting me against Kerusha. By the power in the name of Jesus I cancel every negative word /curse that Kerusha has uttered or written or thought regarding me. Lord, please let Kerusha leave me alone & let her stay away from me. Shut Kerusha's mouth, God. In Jesus' name AMEN

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please give me wisdom and a spirit of excellence. Thank You for helping me, Abba Father. God, thank You for letting me be known as a person of wisdom, insight and good judgement. In Jesus' name Amen

July 3, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for dressing me with Your Spiritual Armour. I put on the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, Shoes of Peace, Sword of Your WORD & the Shield of Faith. Thank You for covering me with Your favour and love like a shield, Abba. In Jesus’ name Amen

July 3, 2024

Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour

Pray for this Request

Asking for unspoken prayer request in Jesus' name for Jerry M, Charlotte M. & Chris M. May God bless and keep you all safe and well. Thank you. AMEN

July 3, 2024

Broken and tortured soul

Pray for this Request

Please pray for Sylvia...I deal with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and migraines that last up to 10 days per month, I'm on hormone replacement therapy and have gallstones.I'm am broken and tired...your prayers are really needed...thank you for caring..God bless

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray for me. I need a job and favor with God. I need him to direct my path In Jesus Name.

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my mother is healed of a heart murmur.

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

My retired army brother came back from Iraq with PTSD. He is stalking women in our compound. Angry when confronted. Almost assaulted one. King Jesus protect them and heal him soon. In Jesus Name. Amen.

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray protection,peace, and delivery for me from confusion dementia,altzheimers,psycosis ,psycotica,all witchcraft spirits,and depression torment ,hate and anger, ijnip God bless you mighty prayer warriors

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

dear prayer team my prayer need is for healing in my body from my car accident fiances due to injury i cannot work ssi not enough to move i need atlease$1200 also i have been alone 2yrs now and pray jehovah sends me the companion evenly yoked true love lets pray for each other amen

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

Yesterday I did a post about me hitting my tier 2 finally and how it happened I was faught spiritually about I explained how it happened my car was working then a person sat in it for hours and my battery is dead I heard the same and no tier 2 just 1 they trying to make a divorce and me lose my hm

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

If you would please pray for my return to The LORD and healing for my backsliding and body, for deliverance from my enemies and for The LORD's protection and provision in my life. Please pray for The LORD's help in my trials.

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that God will grant me peace. I suffer from panic attacks.

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray for GOD to answer if I should or shouldn't go and for Him to allow me to and it not to be a mistake. Pray for answers to be sent on people's hearts. Pray for my finances to completely clear up. Pray for Andy

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for me and others that may have limited hrs at work because of the heat, and that metro Phoenix will cool a little

July 2, 2024


Pray for this Request

I want to request a prayer against witchcraft monitoring spirits sent against me.

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