Prayer Wall

We believe in the power of prayer. This public prayer wall is offered as a service to the LWF Community and is prayed for by the LWF Community. Posts made to this wall will remain available here for 30 days. Please pray for these requests as you review them and encourage others by letting them know you prayed for them.
(Note: This wall is occasionally reviewed and inappropriate posts will be removed.)

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September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray God give me His insight, His analysis, & His solutions only as to what to do w/ my career, especially given I am highly non-traditional for a student. I have been given AWFUL advice by other ppl before, and I don't know whom to trust. Additionally, my case is very complex to state it shortly.

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God that You rescue me from the traps of the enemy, as it is written in Psalm 25:15 and Psalm 31. I place my trust in You, God. God, give me discernment, wisdom, insight and understanding, so that I will not fall into the traps of the enemy or become ensnared in any way. In Jesus name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, Abba, for dressing me with Your Spiritual Armour. I put on the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, Shoes of Peace, Sword of Your WORD & the Shield of Faith. Thank You for covering me with Your favour and love like a shield, Abba. In Jesus’ name Amen

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor with Lenell and Brendan. Lord, please let them refer more work to me from clients who pay on time. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for sending me divine connections & appointments in Denmark. Lord, thank You for making it possible for me to go to Denmark. Thank You for sorting out my flight tickets, my accommodation, food, activities, transport &travel arrangements. Praise be to You, Lord God! In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God for letting my fruit trees grow abundant &sweet fruits. Lord, please let my strawberry plants flourish &grow lots of strawberries. Let my Olive tree, orange trees, grape vines, Peach tree, apricot tree, apple tree &blueberry tree also bear lots of delicious fruits. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for helping me to finalise the document for Anrika's matter. Thank You for giving me wisdom, insight, and a spirit of excellence. Holy Spirit, help me to include everything that is necessary in the document. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You Lord for divine connections and appointments in Iceland. Holy Spirit, please help me to make the most of my trip and help me to book the correct day trips. Lord, help me to find the best day trips in Iceland at the best prices. Thank You for sorting everything out, God. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for helping me to finalise the document for Treveshen's matter. Thank You for giving me wisdom, insight, creative ideas and a spirit of excellence. Holy Spirit, help me to include everything that is necessary in the document. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for giving me favor with Danielle & the Intrepid Polar Team. Thank You, God for letting them upgrade me to a better room and cabin, at no extra cost to me. Thank You, God, for Your faithfulness!! Praise be to You, God!! In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord, please let Gregory B have the highest respect for me. Lord, thank You for letting Gregory B see me as a high value, classy woman who has a lot of self-respect. In Jesus’ name Amen

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You Father God for creating a hedge of protection around me, my office, house& car. Please send me 10000 times the amount of angelic protection that I normally receive. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

In Jesus’ name, I cancel any &all witchcraft /mind control prayers that anyone has uttered, written /spoken regarding me. I cancel &declare null & void the spirit of confusion. I proclaim & declare 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has given me a sound mind and that I have a sound mind. In Jesus’ name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that GOD will find me the correct people/company to do the repairs to my house. And that He will deal with an obtuse person who has been giving me trouble. Also I need discernment about something.

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for me and family for grace, strength, peace and protection. Father we need you. We need miracles. We need your mercy

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please bring to light exactly where the spiritual warfare I have been experiencing, has been coming from. Thank You, God, that no weapon formed against me will prosper, according to Isaiah 54:17. In Jesus' name I silence every accusing voice against me. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You Father God for creating a hedge of protection around me, my office, house& car. Please send me 10000 times the amount of angelic protection that I normally receive. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for vindicating me in every area of my life. God, as it’s written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favour, that those who dislike/rejected me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, because You, God, have helped &comforted me. IJN AMEN

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Father God, thank You that, according to Psalm 139:5, You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way& in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. Thank You that with Your hand of love upon my life, You impart a Father’s blessing to me. I receive Your blessing, God. IJN Amen

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for my unsaved grandchildren. They are blinded by satan and need the Lord.

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray with me that God answers several prayers according to His will for my family. Thanks and God bless.

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Your Will Be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Lord Bless us( Charlie, Cindy, myself and Family) this day in all ways. Lord I need physical, mental and spiritual energy to follow Your Will. Please send Your Angels

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray Donald Trump will get pressure from the Right Wing of the Republican Party to oppose all LGBT ideology, as well as to be 100% Pro Life and that he will succumb to all such pressure.

September 28, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray for me

September 28, 2024

Prayers for peace of mind and healing

Pray for this Request

Kindly remember Sylvia in your prayers...she worries a lot about her health, her finances and her children...please pray for her family, good health, financial blessings and peace of mind for her...thanks for your prayers

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Prayer for my friend Mackenzie. If she has anything against or if I put stumbling blocks that she can't communicate with me, that she will forgive me and that our friendship will flourish. If we have anything that our air will clear. Believing this in Jesus' name.

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for my niece Lisa, and her daughter Skylar. She has a major anger issue and there is much conflict with her Mom, that’s Lisa. My sister is convinced that Lisa is demon possessed. She says that she was saved, but there is no fruit. It’s a horrible and deeply disturbing situation.

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

May you please pray that what's in the dark will be brought into the light. May you also pray that the Lord restore my prayer life and restore my life.

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my mother's diabetes medication and blood pressure medication work very well, as well as that she makes no mistakes in the taking of her medications. Also, pray her kidneys, heart, bladder and eyes are healthy, as well as that she has no problems with mucus in her throat.

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You Father God for creating a hedge of protection around me, my office, house& car. Please send me 10000 times the amount of angelic protection that I normally receive. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me may see it &be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me &comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord, please let Gregory B have the highest respect for me. Lord, thank You for letting Gregory B see me as a high value, classy woman who has a lot of self-respect. In Jesus’ name Amen

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please show me that You love me. Please let me have an encounter with Your love for me. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for healing Estelle of cancer. Lord, I pray Isaiah 53:5 over Estelle and declare that by the stripes of Jesus Estelle is healed. Lord, please heal Estelle completely. Heal Estelle from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for healing Shando of cancer. Lord, I pray Isaiah 53:5 over him and declare that by the stripes of Jesus Shando is healed. Lord, please heal Shando completely. Heal him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord, please bless Priscilla and Lennie and please let them forgive Lenisha and her husband. Lord, remove any bad energy or vibes between them. Thank You for healing and restoring their relationships. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord, please send the right mentors and role models for Anneke's sons. Lord, please reveal to both her sons what their purpose is. Lord, thank You for giving them hope and a future. Shower them with Your Love, Peace and Presence. Protect them and lead them in Your ways, God. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord, please bless Prsicilla and Lennie and please let them forgive Lenisha and her husband. Lord, remove any bad energy or vibes between them. Thank You for healing and restoring their relationships. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Father God, please help Steve with his articles and papers that he has to write and present. Help him to choose the right words for his articles and papers and abstracts. Thank You, God, for sending Steve Divine connections and appointments. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for healing Lenisha. Lord, I pray Isaiah 53:5 over her and declare that by the stripes of Jesus she is healed. Lord, please heal Lenisha completely. Heal her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Lord, please give Lenisha strength and wisdom to do her work well and with excellence. Lord, help her with all her work that she is doing this weekend. Help her to do it to the best of her ability. Lord, shower Lenisha & her husband with Your Love, Peace and presence. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for helping me to finalise the document for Treveshen's matter. Thank You for giving me wisdom, insight, creative ideas and a spirit of excellence. Holy Spirit, help me to include everything that is necessary in the document. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, Lord, for divine connections and appointments in Iceland. Holy Spirit, please help me to make the most of my trip and help me to book the correct trips. Lord, help me to find the best day trips in Iceland at the best prices. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God, for showing me what to prepare for Saturday’s breakfast with my neighbours. God, please let Jackie, Guy and Lesley really enjoy the breakfast &just spending time together with me and each other. In Jesus’ name Amen

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for helping me to finalise the document for Anrika's matter. Thank You for giving me wisdom, insight, and a spirit of excellence. Holy Spirit, help me to include everything that is necessary in the document. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You ABBA Father God for creating a hedge of protection around me, my office, house& car. Please send me 10000 times the amount of angelic protection that I normally receive. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for helping me to finalise the document for the Ngaki matter. Thank You for giving me wisdom, insight, creative ideas and a spirit of excellence. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that GOD will have mercy on me and provide the things I need in my circumstances. I keep hitting dead ends in my attempts at getting the work done that I need for my house.

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for helping me to do the right things in the right way at the right time. In Jesus' name AMEN

September 27, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God, for showing me what to prepare for Saturday’s breakfast with my neighbours. God, please let them really enjoy the breakfast &just spending time together. In Jesus’ name Amen

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