Prayer Wall

We believe in the power of prayer. This public prayer wall is offered as a service to the LWF Community and is prayed for by the LWF Community. Posts made to this wall will remain available here for 30 days. Please pray for these requests as you review them and encourage others by letting them know you prayed for them.
(Note: This wall is occasionally reviewed and inappropriate posts will be removed.)

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October 21, 2024


Pray for this Request

People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed. (Proverbs 10:9 NLT)

October 21, 2024


Pray for this Request

I'm recently married only 4 months and we're already in crisis. We fight about the same thing over and over again and nothing changes. I really do love him but I'm starting to shut down inside. Please pray for God to soften both our hearts and remove any fear or pride

October 21, 2024


Pray for this Request

I am in dire need of a job. My life is crashing in around me. I have had job offers. but they fell through. I got my hopes up but both jobs were too physically demanding for me. I also ask that you pray for other extremely important issues surrounding my job/life situation. Thank you. In Jesus name

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor with Liesl and Victor. In Jesus' name AMEN

October 20, 2024

Justin Phillips

Pray for this Request

Please continue to pray for restoration of my marriage and reconciliation between me and Brandy, that her heart turns back to God and all obstacles to our restoration be removed. If you know a strong man or woman of God who knows how to reach the throne of our God please get this to them!

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me may see it &be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me &comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray that Emily and Devon reconcile. That she will be the wife and mom God needs her to be for him. That he will be the husband and dad God needs him to be for her.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray for me Anthony Roberts

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that my work leave next week will be approved, that I will have peace and won't have any problems with it.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for me. I suffer from hypervigilance and it's been very bad lately.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

I repent for my sins and ask for forgiveness of my sins. I thank you for everything.i pray you accept my Daniel fast a good sacrifice. 1 Corinthians 2:9–10 9 praying me and family is protected form demon liars

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

I repent for my sins and ask for forgiveness of my sins. I thank you for everything.i pray you accept my Daniel fast a good sacrifice. 1 Corinthians 2:9–10 9 i pray this year we see how amazing life can get for us under grace and in perfect ways I praying my family is vindicated from lies and demon

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray to the Lord Jesus for me.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for protection healing and deliverance for me from worries rejection trauma grief withdrawls anxiety torture torment and bondage ty God bless you mighty prayer warriors ijnip

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for the healing of my esophagus and a thrush infection. Please also pray for healing of my dizziness and for the doctors to find the cause. I have developed a fear of falling when I go out. Blessings!

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Ameena Green

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

We just had a three day drive from CO to WA for a move. Everything was going great but now Uhaul is saying our Uboxes won’t arrive until 10/29. I need urgent prayer for the boxes to be shipped today and arrive earlier than expected.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, Abba, for dressing me with Your Spiritual Armour. I put on the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, Shoes of Peace, Sword of Your WORD & the Shield of Faith. Thank You for covering me with Your favour and love like a shield, Abba. In Jesus’ name Amen

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Father God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me may see it &be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me &comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God for giving me wisdom to finalise this document that I am busy with. In Jesus' name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, as it's written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favor, that those who dislike/rejected me may see it &be ashamed, because You, Lord, have helped me &comforted me. In Jesus’ name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, Lord, for protecting Sanele, Ronaldo, Gerhard, Ryk, Jan, Chris, Alec and Lyse physically, spiritually and emotionally. Lord, surround them with Your Holy Spirit fire. Protect them in every possible way

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me hope and a future. In Jesus’ name Amen

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for giving me favor and preference with Lenisha and Paddy. In Jesus' name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please bring to light exactly where the spiritual warfare I have been experiencing, has been coming from. Thank You, God, that no weapon formed against me will prosper, according to Isaiah 54:17. In Jesus' name I silence every accusing voice against me. In Jesus' name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, please expose Banxso and all their corrupt & deceptive criminal activities. Please God, put a stop to them. Lord, You have seen how they have ruined Your people’s lives. Please God intervene. In Jesus’ name Amen

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You Lord for divine connections and appointments in Iceland. Holy Spirit, please help me to make the most of my trip and help me to book the correct day trips. Lord, help me to find the best day trips in Iceland at the best prices. Thank You for sorting everything out, God. In Jesus' name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God that You rescue me from the traps of the enemy, as it is written in Psalm 25:15 and Psalm 31. I place my trust in You, God. God, give me discernment, wisdom, insight and understanding, so that I will not fall into the traps of the enemy or become ensnared in any way. In Jesus name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God that You rescue me from the traps of the enemy, as it is written in Psalm 25:15 and Psalm 31. I place my trust in You, God. God, give me discernment, wisdom, insight and understanding, so that I will not fall into the traps of the enemy or become ensnared in any way. In Jesus name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, Abba, for dressing me with Your Spiritual Armour. I put on the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, Shoes of Peace, Sword of Your WORD & the Shield of Faith. Thank You for covering me with Your favour and love like a shield, Abba. In Jesus’ name Amen

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for sending me divine connections & appointments in Denmark. Lord, thank You for making it possible for me to go to Denmark. Thank You for sorting out my flight tickets, my accommodation, food, activities, transport &travel arrangements. Praise be to You, Lord God! In Jesus' name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, God, for vindicating my name and redeeming me in every area of my life. Thank you for redeeming me in every area of my life. In Jesus’ name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank you, God, for helping me to be at the right place, at the right time. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for helping me to do the right things in the right way at the right time. In Jesus’ name, Amen

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You God for sending me divine connections &appointments in Argentina. God, thank You for making it possible for me to go to Argentina& for letting my flights be on time, for perfect accommodation, sunny weather, food, activities, safe transport. Praise be to You, Lord God! In Jesus' name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

In Jesus’ name, I cancel any &all witchcraft /mind control prayers that anyone has uttered, written /spoken regarding me. I cancel &declare null & void the spirit of confusion. I proclaim & declare 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has given me a sound mind and that I have a sound mind. In Jesus’ name AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Thank You, Lord, for vindicating me in every area of my life. God, as it’s written in Psalm 86:17 please send me a sign of Your favour, that those who dislike/rejected me, who wished me ill /gossiped about me may see it &be ashamed of themselves, because You, God, have helped &comforted me. IJN AMEN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

God, thank You that, according to Psalm 139:5, You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way& in kindness You follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. Thank You that with Your hand of love upon my life, You impart a Father’s blessing to me. I receive Your blessing, God. IJN Amen

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed. (Proverbs 10:9 NLT)

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for my healing, for relief from pain and a sense of well-being. Pray for my joints to be healed, and for all inflamation to leave my body in Jesus name.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed. (Proverbs 10:9 NLT)

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray that God STOPS the EVICTION in JESUS NAME and that God blesses my wife to be to be married to me and come and live with me.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Please pray for rain in my area and all areas of drought in USA. Many areas are in desperate need of rain. Please pray for the hurricane survivors to get all the help they need.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray for certain angelic activity, unspoken requests, healing, my situations, my conscience, peace, my friendships, provision, my future, my investments, no fear, my faith, & my job. Pray for weather concerns, my transportation, for well-being, great strength, freedom, holiness, & repentance. Tks.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Good morning, Please say a prayer that I get better at my sales job. These past couple of weeks this month has been rough for me and discouraging…I pray November is a better month. Please say a prayer for me

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

This has been the most difficult year I've faced financially in my life. I escaped domestic violence and have been homeless and struggling to recover with few resources. Please pray that God quickly delivers me and shows me great mercy and protection in the name of Jesus Christ.

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

I take possession of the territory apply the blood of Jesus to me and all my property both online offline in the spirit and all the like and send Angry Angels to take possession of the shelter and tag anyone or anything pursuing me and seal off my property in the blood and put up a wall of HSF IJMN

October 20, 2024


Pray for this Request

Pray my nephew and his wife attend church every Sunday. Also, pray they experience a revolution in their walk with Jesus Christ.

October 19, 2024


Pray for this Request

Continue to pray for me heavy Anthony Roberts

October 19, 2024


Pray for this Request

I am asking for strong strong prayer in severe spiritual warfare and attack. I have had 2 serious brain injuries and cannot think straight at times. Thank you. Sobs

October 19, 2024

Pete Perse

Pray for this Request

On October 8th, our vehicle got repossessed. I have been unemployed since July. On November 1st, we need ti pay $1,200 in rent, plus other bills totaling $400. We're low on milk, eggs, and meats, totally out of cheese & running low on dog food. (We have 1 senior dog & 2 puppies.) Please pray 4 us

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