Let's Talk: Christmas Traditions

Entertaining Others

Do you have the joy of the Lord in your home? If so, perhaps there’s someone who might be extra blessed by that joy this Christmas. While you will likely want to reserve Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for family, consider setting aside another afternoon or evening this Christmas season and opening your door to those who may live alone or have little to look forward to this season.

Here are some theme party ideas that can be easily brought together:

Dinner Party—Host a small dinner party, being sure to invite the newest residents in your neighborhood or those with no family nearby.

Tasting Party—Open your home to a larger group and ask each person or couple to bring a sweet or savory food they consider special at Christmas along with several copies of the recipe for sharing.

Karaoke Party—Get out the karaoke machine, making sure you’ve got Christmas songs in the mix. Invite everyone to wear ugly Christmas sweaters. Serve simple snacks and prepare for laughter.

Movie Night—Invite someone who lives alone to join your family for a Christmas movie night. Consider decorating and serving food to fit the theme of the movie you are showing.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling” (1 Peter 4:8-9).