Let's Talk: Christmas Traditions

The Best Gift

A man shared a testimony at church about his biggest Christmas surprise ever. He was 8 years old, and his father had been ill for many months and out of work. Money was tight, and gifts were going to be few that year. He understood but still had his eye on a bicycle at the local department store. On Christmas morning, to his surprise, that same bike with a big bow was parked right next to the Christmas tree. He was so excited that he jumped over the couch to get to the bike! His parents were just as happy, as they watched him experience such a fun surprise. He found out years later that someone from his church who knew his family’s situation had anonymously given money for his parents to use for Christmas. What a gift!

Even though a bicycle is an amazing gift (and this one was extra special) there is another gift we think of at Christmastime that is even more special and valuable. God sent the perfect gift to us at Christmas—one that we could not afford. He sent His perfect Son, Jesus, as a baby to bring us the gift of salvation. We could never buy salvation ourselves because each of us has sinned. Jesus lived a perfect life and was willing to pay the price for our extra special gift of salvation. And you don’t even have to jump over a couch to receive it. All you must do is confess your sin and receive the gift of Jesus as your Lord. This gift of salvation is the best gift ever!

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).