Let's Talk: Christmas Traditions

Gazing Upward in Thankfulness

Whether you use an angel, a star, or some other type of decoration, the Christmas tree topper becomes the prominent focal point. Many tree toppers remind us of the real meaning of Christmas found in the Bible. An angel decoration may represent the host of angels announcing Christ’s birth (see Luke 2), a star may represent the Bethlehem Star that led the Wise Men to Jesus (see Matthew 2), and a dove might represent the Prince of Peace (see Isaiah 9:6). Placing a special ornament at the top of the tree draws the eye of the beholder upward and adds beauty to your home.

This Christmas, as you decorate your tree and enjoy its beauty throughout the season, pay attention to the ornaments that remind you to gaze upward toward the heavens, remembering and considering the great gift of salvation God provided by sending his Son, Jesus. The excitement of Christmas is felt in every light and glittery ornament you may see, but when you gaze upward, you can give thanks for God’s gift, given as a little baby, heralded by angels, and marked by the star in the sky.

Tonight, grab some hot cocoa, curl up in a blanket, and spend some time enjoying the lights of Christmas in your home. As your eyes gaze upward at the ornament at the top of your tree, let your heart also gaze upward in thankfulness to God for his indescribable gift.

“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15).