Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Luke 22:31-34 Luke 22 tells the story of one of Jesus’ most devoted disciples, Peter, on the darkest night of his life. Peter was known to argue when he should have listened. He boasted when he should ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: James 1:2-13 Do you want to be strong, prosperous, and content? All of us do. But do you want trials and tribulation? Most of us don’t. There will be heartache in this life. That is guaranteed. And as...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: Joshua 7:1 God has planned a life of victory for each one of us, yet many Christians live in defeat. They have saved souls and lost lives. Defeat is possible, but not necessary. Joshua 7 reminds us of ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: Judges 17:1-6 Our nation is in a battle for values; the morals and ethics that made this nation great are eroding before us. Judges 17 shares an eerily similar sad case of vanishing values. “In those d...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: Judges 13:24 Judges 13-16 tells the story of Samson, a Nazarite who was set aside by God for a purpose; He had been anointed with tremendous supernatural strength through the Holy Spirit. However, Samso...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: Judges 9:8-15 The crisis of our nation concerns leadership. We are in desperate need of good, godly leadership. Judges 9:8-15 tells the story of a pitiful politician and a nation in disarray. This pass...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: Judges 11 There is a great and present need for men of character, integrity, and strength. Judges 11 tells the story of Jephthah, a mighty man of valor, who is an inspiration for all who want to be men ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: Judges 6:1-22 In Judges 6, Israel had forgotten God and the victory He had already given them. As a result, the nation was intimidated and impoverished by an oppressive enemy; the people’s shame was sev...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: Judges 4:1-3 The Book of Judges tells us all about Israel’s cycle of sin—sinning against God, suffering for it, asking God for deliverance, and receiving it. But God would rather bless than judge; He is...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: Judges 1:1-2 The Book of Judges tells the story of how God blessed the nation of Israel, and how Israel then lost her glory. But, despite its darkness, this book holds out hope that God will bless the n...
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