Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Darkness

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 20:30 Adrian Rogers says, “Man’s greatest need is to see his own spiritual blindness.” When He healed the man born blind in John 9, Jesus revealed that He is God’s answer to Man’s darkness. First, th...

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Adrian Rogers

Jesus Is God's Answer to Man's Desires

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 6:1 John 6 tells the miraculous story of when Jesus used a little boy’s lunch to feed more than 5,000 people. We must look beyond the miracle and into its message: Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s desir...

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Adrian Rogers

Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Disability

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 5:1 One of the great questions of life is not what will happen to our bodies, but rather, do we have that inner strength that God wants us to have? The miracle recorded in John 5:1-9 reveals that Jes...

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Adrian Rogers

Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Doubt

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 4:46-54 The Book of John tells us about Jesus’ parade of miracles, seven extraordinary and deeply significant events that tell us more about Him. His wondrous work in John 4:46-54 reveals that Jesus i...

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Adrian Rogers

Jesus is God's Answer to Man's Disappointment

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 2:1 John 2 tells the story of Jesus turning water into wine. This marked the first of Jesus’ parade of miracles, each being considered a sign with significance. This first miracle revealed that Jesus ...

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Adrian Rogers

The Conquest

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 4:1-20 Acts 4 tells of the great conquest of Jesus Christ, the one who died and arose from the grave. He is still alive and well; the Christ that walked the shores of Galilee is alive through His new ...

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Adrian Rogers

The Cross

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:18 The cross of Jesus Christ is the cure for sin. 1 Peter 3:18 points out three truths about how God forgives and deals with sin through the cross. The very first truth is the vicarious sufferi...

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Adrian Rogers

The Crown

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Matthew 27:26-31 Before Jesus was crucified, a crown of thorns was placed on his head. Though done by the hands of wicked men, this crown part of the magnificent plan of a sovereign God, who would use it a...

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Adrian Rogers

The Cup

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Luke 22:39-47 In Luke 22, Jesus told His disciples about His coming crucifixion at the Last Supper. When He later came to the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed three times: Lord, if it be possible, let this ...

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Adrian Rogers

Is Jesus God?

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Matthew 27:22 In Matthew 27, Jesus Christ stood on trial before Pilate. In this account, we come face-to-face with the most present, pressing, and pertinent question ever asked: Is Jesus God, as He claimed...

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