Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 6:1 John 6 tells the miraculous story of when Jesus used a little boy’s lunch to feed more than 5,000 people. We must look beyond the miracle and into its message: Jesus is God’s answer to Man’s desir...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 5:1 One of the great questions of life is not what will happen to our bodies, but rather, do we have that inner strength that God wants us to have? The miracle recorded in John 5:1-9 reveals that Jes...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 4:46-54 The Book of John tells us about Jesus’ parade of miracles, seven extraordinary and deeply significant events that tell us more about Him. His wondrous work in John 4:46-54 reveals that Jesus i...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 2:1 John 2 tells the story of Jesus turning water into wine. This marked the first of Jesus’ parade of miracles, each being considered a sign with significance. This first miracle revealed that Jesus ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Matthew 27:22 In Matthew 27, Jesus Christ stood on trial before Pilate. In this account, we come face-to-face with the most present, pressing, and pertinent question ever asked: Is Jesus God, as He claimed...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:18 The cross is the most recognizable and beloved symbol by those who trust in Jesus. The cross reminds us of Jesus Christ our Savior, and the Good News of the Gospel; but why the cross? 1 Peter ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 6:71 The name Judas is a name of infamy, disgrace, and treachery; yet Jesus chose Judas to be one of His twelve disciples. It was not a mistake, nor did Judas’s betrayal catch Jesus off guard. The wor...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 19 Can an intelligent man or woman believe in God? It may surprise us to realize that intellect has nothing to do with it. If a man doesn’t believe in God, it is not because of intellectual difficult...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 22 There is an ongoing war over the Word of God. There are those who despise, dissect, and disregard it. But perhaps the greatest enemy of the Word of God is the one who believes in it but doesn...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 John 5:13 God wants salvation to be explained simply, because it is His desire that anyone can understand and obtain it. 1 John 5:13 says, “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of t...
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