Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

The Last Step on the Way Down

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 1:24 Scripture identifies marriage as the supreme commitment we make on this earth. Yet in a nation whose new virtue is called “tolerance”, our sense of moral responsibility has been lost. Sexual i...

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Adrian Rogers

The Lost World

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 1:18-31 In Romans 1:18-31, the Apostle Paul reveals that this fallen world is without excuse: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who s...

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Adrian Rogers

Totally Abandoned to the Gospel

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 1:14-16 In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul describes the heart and mind of someone totally abandoned to the Gospel in three “I am” statements. I am a debtor. Paul said, “I am a debtor both to Greeks and...

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Adrian Rogers

The Book That Changed the World

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 1:1 There has been no book that has ever influenced or impacted the world like the book of Romans. Some of the fathers of our faith and greatest minds have called it the Constitution of Christianity...

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Adrian Rogers

The Word of God

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Hebrews 4:12 Adrian Rogers says, “The Bible is not like any other book: it breathes, sings, and weeps; it is alive in the power that it possesses.” Whether penned by the Apostles, spoken by the mouth of Je...

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Adrian Rogers

Treasuring Truth

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Proverbs 23:23 In this day, it is not values that we desperately need, but virtue. We must be able to differentiate truth and fact: we acquire facts but learn truth. Facts deal with knowledge, and knowled...

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Adrian Rogers

How to Maintain the Life of Victory

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Joshua 24:11-16 God’s plan for us is not just to have eternal life after death, but to have abundant life, here and now. He has given us daily victory; but it is our responsibility to walk in it. Adrian...

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Adrian Rogers

His Unquestioned Lordship

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Luke 2 Luke 2:11 says, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Who is this child? He is “Christ the Lord.” Jesus Christ is called “Lord” 747 times in the N...

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Adrian Rogers

His Undiminished Deity

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Matthew 1:20-23 Matthew 1:21-23 says, “She (Mary) shall bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins.’ Now all this was done, that it might be ful...

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Adrian Rogers

His Unblemished Life

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Luke 2:25-35 Luke 2:25 tells the story of a man named Simeon, a just man, right with God. He was saved, surrendered, spiritual, and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Through his faith, it was revealed to hi...

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