Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

Blessed Assurance

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1:24-25 In this seemingly hopeless world, many of us are facing difficulties and trials, desperately in need of some hope. Most of the Book of Jude paints a dark picture of what’s to come, yet it end...

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Adrian Rogers

Rescue the Perishing

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1:22-23 Our souls are worth more than anything this world has to offer; that’s why the heart of God is wrapped up in the matter of soul-winning. Jesus is the supreme example of this and commands us t...

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Adrian Rogers

Surviving Apostasy

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1:17-21 The Bible warns us that in the Last Days, many men shall depart from the faith. The Book of Jude prophecies the apostates to come and gives us insight on surviving the apostasy. First, we must...

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Adrian Rogers

The Second Coming and the Apostasy of the Last Days

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1:14-15 The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the greatest prophetic event of all the ages, and the signs of the times warn us that it is coming soon. One of the signs of the Last Days is apostasy—when...

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Adrian Rogers

The Portrait of an Apostate

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1:12-13 An apostate is someone who rejects and ridicules the truth of the Gospel—he also tries to replace it in order to lead others astray. As believers, we must be firm in our understanding of bibli...

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Adrian Rogers

Snakes in the Garden

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1:11 False doctrine is poisonous to the Church of Jesus Christ; it is the devil’s preferred way of infiltrating the Church and destroying it from within. The Book of Jude reveals the marks of apostasy...

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Adrian Rogers

Dreams That Never Come True

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1:8 The Book of Jude warns us of the dangers of apostasy, which is when someone falls away from the faith. An apostate is someone who has been given the opportunity to receive the truth but has reject...

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Adrian Rogers

The Battle for the Bible

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1:1-7 The Book of Jude warns us of something very sinister that will happen to the Church in the Last Days. Children of God cannot afford to be ignorant or neutral; Jude 1-19 sounds the alarm, calling...

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Adrian Rogers

The Believer's Security Blanket

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Jude 1-4 The Book of Jude warns us of the apostasy that will take place in the Last Days, in which many will turn away from the faith. But we do not have to live in fear of losing our salvation. This book...

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Adrian Rogers

Failure Is Not Final

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Luke 22:31-34 Adrian Rogers says, “Failure doesn’t need to be a hitching post to tie us to the past. Failure can be a guidepost to lead us into the future.” God is not finished with us in the dark nights o...

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