Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Titus 2:1-5 Physical features change and fade, but a lifestyle that adorns the Word of God brings unending beauty into the home. Yet, these days, our families face many oppositions that threaten to drain w...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 128:1-6 Adrian Rogers says, “You can be born a male, but it takes maturity to be a man.” Perhaps the most difficult, yet rewarding, role a man could ever commit to is being a good husband and father....
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 2:18-25 Those who are married have the potential for great wealth in what truly matters. We can have a millionaire marriage when we understand the value God has placed on the family. In Genesis 2:1...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: James 1:19 God made husbands and wives different so that He can make them one in marriage. Because of these innate differences, arguments are inevitable. James 1:19 reveals how to handle conflicts: “So the...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Peter 2:21-24 The biggest problem in many marriages is failure to adequately communicate; if we don’t learn to communicate, our homes could disintegrate. Marriage is the most intimate relationship there ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 2:19 There is no sweeter, deeper, more wonderful companionship than that of a husband and wife. In Genesis 2, we first see God’s divine, unique design of male and female. These differences between ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:1-7 The marriage relationship is meant to be the most intimate of all human relationships. In marriage, we share the inmost part of our nature with another person. But in order to build lives tog...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 13 We are fast approaching a loveless world; in our mechanical society, it is clearer than ever that real love is what we lack. In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul shares three observations...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Titus 2:11 Every Christian needs a burning, blazing, passionate love for the Lord Jesus Christ that overflows into service and worship. However, we must be careful with our zeal, so that it doesn't become ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Luke 1:5 There is no substitute for prayer; it is to our spiritual life what breath is to our bodies. But sometimes, we find ourselves perplexed, because it feels our prayers are unanswered. Oftentimes, ou...
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