Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:12 The Bible is not a book of rules, but a book of principles. Rules can be manipulated and laws have loopholes, but principles are timeless and unchanging. Therefore, the Bible is a truste...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 9:1-6 Acts 9 tells the story of Saul’s conversion to becoming Paul. While on his way to persecute Christians, Saul came face-to-face with Jesus. And Saul’s first question to Jesus was: “Lord, what wi...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 2 It’s important to know where we are in our spiritual maturity, in order to grow into what we could be. The Bible places men and women in three different categories: natural, spiritual, or c...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 8:35-39 There are two common misconceptions people have about baptism: that it is either necessary for our salvation, or that it is not important at all. In order to grow as Christians, we cannot min...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 8:28 Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” This is the chemistry of the cross: that God c...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Ephesians 5:18 The Christian life is a blessing, but if we don’t understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it can feel more like a burden. The secret to a blessed Christian life is being filled with the ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:12-14 As Christians, we have the power not only to overcome temptations but also to use them as a means to grow in our faith. 1 Corinthians 10 shows us how to turn temptations into triumph...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 51 King David, though a man after God’s own heart, was a great sinner. He committed adultery and, in covering it up, he committed murder. But David was also a great repenter, and Psalm 51 shows us ho...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 10:27 It is good for our spiritual health and productivity as Christians to know we are eternally secure. This is why we must have a Scriptural defense for our eternal security. Following are four pas...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 10:27 When we, as Christians, are sure of our future, we can concentrate on the present. This is why John 10 is fundamental to the eternal security of the believer. “My sheep hear my voice, and I kno...
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