Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

Super Glue Marriage

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 2:21-25 We live in a tragic and dangerous day of disposable marriages; the enemy strives to break up homes to create a vicious cycle of broken people. But marriage is the highest of all earthly rel...

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Adrian Rogers

The Week After Easter

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Luke 24:13-26 The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a known fact that we fully believe as Christians. However, in the days following this miracle, some of the disciples were struggling to believe it. Luke 24...

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Adrian Rogers

What If There Had Been No Easter?

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 This is the Gospel: Jesus Christ died for our sins; He was buried and rose again on the third day. But what if death had conquered—what if Jesus had stayed in the tomb? 1 Corinthians...

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Adrian Rogers

Praise Your Way to Victory

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 2 Chronicles 20:1-25 Praise is a powerful thing, in times of joy and in times of help, but especially in times of trouble. 2 Chronicles 20:1-25 shows us how to praise our way to victory in times of opposit...

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Adrian Rogers

The Purpose of His Passion

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Isaiah 53:4-6; 1 Peter 3:18 Adrian Rogers says, “Calvary was not only the Earth’s greatest tragedy, but it was God’s greatest triumph.” Seven hundred years before Jesus Christ suffered and died upon the cr...

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Adrian Rogers

Liberated Living

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 6:1-19 The grace of God enables us to live godly lives in Christ Jesus and empowers us to live in liberation. Romans 6 gives three basic principles for liberated living. First, we must know our iden...

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Adrian Rogers

It's All About Jesus

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 22 The Old Testament and the New Testament tell the same story of Jesus Christ. The entire Bible is all about Jesus and the fulfilled prophecy of His salvation. Psalm 22 greatly details the crucifixi...

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Adrian Rogers

Four Principles of Victory

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Exodus 17:8-11 In this spiritual battle against the world, the devil, and the flesh, we can oftentimes be our own biggest enemies. In Exodus 17, God called the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and led t...

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Adrian Rogers

Our Identification with Christ

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 John 4:17 As Christians, we find our identification in Jesus Christ. He became as we are that we might become as He is. 1 John 4:17 says, “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldn...

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Adrian Rogers

An Old Testament Calvary

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 22:1-31 The Old Testament and the New Testament tell the same story of Jesus Christ. The entire Bible expresses the fulfilled prophecy and united message that Jesus saves. Psalm 22 greatly details th...

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