Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

Learning to Share Your Faith

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 10:34 Would you be prepared to share your faith the moment someone asks about it? Adrian Rogers says, “We tell people to keep the faith; not only should you keep it, but you ought also to give it aw...

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Adrian Rogers

Christ of Every Crisis

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 12:1 Troubles come and go every day, but every so often we come up against an unexpected, ferocious crisis. In all the confusion, when we’re unsure where to turn, we can turn to the Christ of every cr...

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Adrian Rogers

Counterfeit Christianity

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 8:5-24 Satan is not against religion; in fact, it is one of his chief tools and most deceptive tricks. Adrian Rogers says, “When God opens the windows of Heaven to bless us, the devil opens the doors...

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Adrian Rogers

Living Supernaturally or Superficially

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 5:1-11 In Acts 5, the Early Church was in the blaze of revival. However, the devil crafted a new attack from within the church, through Ananias and Sapphira. After seeing another church member receiv...

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Adrian Rogers

Every Christian an Evangelist

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 8:26-39 Every believer is called, ordained, equipped, and given opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every Christian is called to be an evangelist. If you are not witnessing, you are disob...

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Adrian Rogers

The Expedience of Obedience

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Acts 5:27-32 Being a Christian is a joyous thing; the reason we are not filled with joy in this Christian life could be a matter of disobedience. Adrian Rogers says, “Obedience is the missing ingredient i...

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Adrian Rogers

Don't Settle for Less Than God's Best

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Joshua 17:12-18 In Joshua 17, the children of Israel have reached the Promised Land, Canaan. Canaan is a picture of a Christian living in victory, being Spirit-filled. However, there were still Canaanites ...

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Adrian Rogers

Planning Your Future

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: James 4:13-17 James 4:15-16 says, “Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.’ But now you boast in your arrogance...” If we’re honest, we all want to know what the fu...

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Adrian Rogers

The Unfinished Story of Christmas

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:7-11 At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who came to this Earth to save us from our sins. But the story of Christmas is not complete without the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ...

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Adrian Rogers

Jesus Christ: The Son of God and God the Son

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Luke 1:35 Many who don’t believe in Jesus will call Him a great moral teacher. But when we look closely at His teachings, we find that He left no room for interpretation: Jesus Christ was the Son of God an...

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