Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Hebrews 12:14-15 Bitterness is a terrible problem that blows the joy out of our lives and leaves our souls in darkness. It often manifests itself in people as hostility and fault-finding. Sometimes, it can...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Proverbs 19:11-12 It’s been said that unjustified anger is like an acid that brings harm to anything it is poured on, including the very container it inhabits. If we can’t control our temper, we risk wreck...
Listen NowWhat does the Bible say about same-sex marriage? Listen to this message, as Adrian Rogers explains that homosexuality is a moral, spiritual, social, and solvable problem. ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 2 Samuel 12:1-14 2 Samuel 12 tells the heartbreaking story of how God dealt with David’s sins. David had committed adultery and murder. When David finally asked God for forgiveness, he faced cleansing with...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Habakkuk 1-3 The Book of Habakkuk might be the most pertinent Scripture in this day and age. In three short chapters, Habakkuk shows us how to give thanks in dark days. There are three things to remember a...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 2 Samuel 11:1-2 King David, though a man after God’s own heart, was a great sinner. In 2 Samuel 11, he committed adultery and, in covering it up, he committed murder. But in 2 Samuel 12, we find that David...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 2 Samuel 11:1-5 2 Samuel 11 is a dark chapter in the history of King David’s life. David was at the height of his career, seeing continuous blessings from God. But then came —David committed the sin of adu...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Samuel 26:21 No man in Scripture ever had a brighter beginning, nor a sadder ending, than King Saul. Any one of us could become like Saul if we dare to play the games that fools play. First, we must see ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 2 Samuel 3:33, 38 2 Samuel 3 tells of the tragic demise of Abner, a great man of middle age and robust health who died in a foolish manner. Then the king said to his servants, ‘Do you not know that a prin...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Kings 2:5-6 In 1 Kings 2, David is coming to the end of his reign. Before relinquishing the throne to his son, Solomon, David proclaims judgment on his right-hand man, Joab. By all appearances, Joab was...
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