Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

The Marriage of the Lamb

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 19:1-10 In Revelation 19, the great tribulation has come to a dramatic close and the church—the Bride of Christ—comes to the most climatic time in all of its history: her Wedding. There are sev...

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Adrian Rogers

Goodbye to Babylon

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Revelation 18 The Bible has a lot to say about Babylon, much about her history and iniquity, but also her prophecy. The city was built long ago by a man named Nimrod, whose very name means “rebel.” Nimr...

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Adrian Rogers

Beauty and the Beast

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Revelation 17 Revelation 17 shares the prophetic story of a mysterious Beauty sitting on top of a vicious Beast. This prophecy takes place during the Great Tribulation. The Rapture has already occurred;...

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Adrian Rogers

How to Gain and Celebrate Victory

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Revelation 15, 16 Revelation 15 and 16 tell of the coming tribulation in the End Times. However, it also speaks of the coming victory for those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ. How do we gain and...

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Adrian Rogers

How to Handle Temptation

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Luke 4:1-2 No one is immune to temptation, not even Christians. Temptation can come to any person, at any point, wherever you may be. In fact, many times, the greatest temptations come after our highest ...

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Adrian Rogers

How to Handle Stress

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Isaiah 40:28-31 Do you ever feel there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it? Many of us are emotionally fatigued, physically drained, and spiritually defeated; and the reason is stress. Stress...

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Adrian Rogers

How to Control the Thought Life

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 119:9It seems as though the chaos of this world is ever-increasing, day after day; when taking a closer look, the primary problem is the thoughts of man.We’ve seen this before in Scripture. Just befor...

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Adrian Rogers

How to Pray for Friends and Influence People

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 5:16-18The importance of prayer cannot be understated. It is our greatest privilege as Christians, and oftentimes, our greatest failure. We are instructed in Scripture to pray for one another. How do ...

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Adrian Rogers

The Bible and Bodily Healing

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: James 5:10-15 Christians sometimes face illnesses of varying degrees, but there is hope! Jesus Christ is the answer to every need that a man has: needs for the spirit, the soul and the body. The matter of ...

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Adrian Rogers

Is Your Pocketbook Converted?

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: James 5:1-8 A man's faith, character, and religion can be measured by his attitude toward money. The warning found in James 5 is not against money. Rather, it is a warning about a wrong attitude toward mo...

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