Joshua is the Old Testament book that tells of New Testament victory. Are you facing rivers of difficulty keeping you from your land of opportunity? God has more for you. The God of miracles is able to see you through. Adrian Rogers shows t...
Listen NowIn this message, Dr. Rogers shows that all of the Bible is about Jesus Christ. Two threads run throughout the Bible: the scarlet thread of redemption and the golden thread of His Second Coming. This not a gory story but a GLORY story!...
Listen NowSee it at work in the life of Rahab, a woman who desperately needed God to do something for her. Rather than heading for divine destruction, she and her household are spared. No longer an outcast, she becomes part of the lineage of our Lord...
Listen NowTake this journey with Joshua and see an illustration of the victorious life that we're to live as Christians. It's New Testament living in the Old Testament. If you say, It's about time that it started happening for me then pay attention!...
Listen NowThis great study in the Book of Joshua is going to be a revelation of what God is doing and what God will do for us. God has given to everyone of us a possession and that possession is victory. Every Christian is to be an overcomer, living ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 5 Adrian Rogers says, “You will never have true fulfillment, or understand why you were made until you come to worship the One who is worthy.” Revelation 5 is one of the most glorious chapters ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage:Revelation 4:1-5 The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is called our blessed hope. We live in the Church Age, but at the midnight cry, Jesus will return for His own. Revelation 4:1-5 tells us more about the Ra...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 3:14-22 The tragedy today is half-hearted Christians in a world rapidly approaching destruction. Believers find themselves with no fire—no zeal or enthusiasm for the things of God. In Revelatio...
Listen NowWhat is true love"? The greatest need people have for mental health is to be loved and be able to show love. We know this in our hearts. To show love to one another is a mark of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Join Adrian Rogers for a st...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 2:8-11 The message to the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2 is one of tribulation, treasure, and triumph. The believers at Smyrna had seen both the windows of Heaven and doors of Hell—blessed by ...
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