You could put the problem in most people's lives in one sentence: the failure to put first things first. When you put first things first, Jesus, you cannot fail. If you don't, you cannot succeed. God has given us a solemn promise in Matthew...
Listen NowIn the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord speaks about priorities. He's telling us what to put first and He says to seek ye first the kingdom of God. We have to watch out for vanishing values and pathetic priorities....
Listen NowMany of God's people are confused because the devil is a peddler of counterfeits. Today we begin the series "Authentic Christianity," based on the book of Second Peter. Assurance does not come out of "feeling," but from knowledge a word use...
Listen NowAre you looking forward to the return of Jesus? Are you prepared today to meet Him face to face? Join Adrian Rogers as he describes the excitement we should have as we anticipate the glorious return of Our Coming King."...
Listen NowThe presence of the Holy Spirit within the Body of Christ prevents Satan from completely having his way on earth. But what happens after the Church is raptured? The way will be cleared and Satan's Superman will be revealed. Catch a glimpse ...
Listen NowWhen the Bible uses the word hope it means a divine certainty, based on the Word of God. Jesus' Second coming is called the blessed hope." It's not "maybe' it's certainty. We're not waiting for the worst to happen. We're awaiting the BEST. ...
Listen NowThe second coming of Jesus Christ is not incidental, it is fundamental, in fact, it is a major theme in the word of God! Learn from these messages what Scripture says about Jesus' Second Coming....
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Revelation 1:1-20 The Book of Revelation is the golden clasp that brings the entire Bible together. It is a book of steadfast hope—dispelling the fog to reveal that the future is here. Revelation 1 gives a...
Listen Now.Jesus could come today. For some that's good news, for others, a terrifying prospect. Which are you? Think you have many years before your death? Don't forget there's no prophecy that still must be fulfilled before Jesus comes! Learn what ...
Listen NowIf you're a bit discouraged by the darkness you find yourself in these days, the truths you'll hear today can help you have hope. Daybreak is just over the horizon as we anticipate the glorious dawn of Christ's return!!...
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