The message title says it all. God has a plan to keep you out of financial bondage! The most sensitive nerve in the human body is the one that runs from the heart to the pocketbook. There are some basic principles here you must know!...
Listen NowIf there was ever a time for an earth-shaking, mountain-moving, devil-defying, sin-destroying, revival-bringing faith, this is the time, this is the age, this is the hour. And not only do we need to possess a faith; we need to have a faith ...
Listen NowJesus said, "Upon this rock I will build My church." The Church is not a building--it is a people. Jesus has called us out, sent us out, and one day He will come to take us out. Till then, we must evangelize--or we'll fossilize!...
Listen NowAdrian Rogers deals with one of the most mysterious, difficult to understand passages in the Word of God, but one crammed with blessing if we look at it carefully. It actually deals with spiritual authority—the secret, sequence, symbol, ser...
Listen NowThe words you use and the way you speak are a sign of your spiritual maturity. Your tongue gives direction to your life. Your words will either bring you into safe harbor or end you on the reef of ruin. Tongues direct nations. Words can bri...
Listen NowDr. Rogers shares a very thought-provoking quote - "nature forms us, sin deforms us, education informs us, society reforms us but only Jesus Christ can transform us." This message looks at the transformed life of "the shady lady of Jericho"...
Listen NowGod's people, taken into captivity, had lost their song. A Christian can be taken captive by the world, the flesh, and the devil—spiritually living in Babylon. The most miserable person on earth is a saved person out of fellowship with God....
Listen NowAt the root of all sin and human conflict…you will find the underlying sin of pride. Pride is deadly, dangerous and deceitful. More than any other sin, pride is holding back revival, destroying homes and ruining happiness. Listen for some c...
Listen NowPrayer can do anything God can do—and God can do anything! In this message, Adrian Rogers clarifies what is true Biblical fasting, what is not, and the value of fasting, for it increases our faith and fervency in prayer....
Listen NowAbraham is known for his faith. But even Abraham struck some spiritual potholes. Faith isn't positive thinking, following a hunch, or being optimistic. What is it then? Join Adrian Rogers for this study of true faith and find out!...
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