We have an inbred fear of the unknown—and that includes a dread of the future. Yet God wants us to have a future without fear. He has commanded us not to fear. Dr. Rogers gives you 4 things you need to have a future free of fear....
Listen NowThe majesty of God's limitless power means there is no prayer too hard for Him to answer, no promise to hard to keep, no person too hard to save. But we can limit God by our unwillingness and unbelief....
Listen NowEvery person who has ever lived is going to stand before judgment one day, and it will be clear whether your life is wood, hay, and stubble or gold, silver and precious stones. The Judgment Day of Christ is coming. God is going to put your ...
Listen NowGod wants more children in His family. He wants us to be soul winners and to nurture those He has given us. We need a vision for the desires of His heart, so we will lengthen and strengthen the cords of our tent, prepared to grow those who ...
Listen NowSuccess is finding and doing the will of God. Success is saying "yes" to God's best. Adrian Rogers offers 5 steps to godly success. "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he added no sorrow with it."...
Listen NowThere is a deadline in front of you, and if you cross that deadline, you will be consigned to an eternity without God. This message is a study of the unpardonable sin, its deceiving qualities and its deadening power....
Listen NowWhen trouble comes, you're going to need a clear conscience. A good conscience removes fear. But a guilty conscience causes fear. A good conscience will do more for you than a sleeping pill. Find out which conscience you have—there are diff...
Listen NowWhen God has told you He's going to do something, what is the best response? Do we still pray for it anyway? In this message we'll examine the power of prayer and learn the answer from a character in the Old Testament who surely knew how to...
Listen NowPastor Rogers shows how, in the historical account found in the Old Testament, God has placed a picture for us to help us live in the here and now. Get ready for a journey that will bring you a place of victory over the flesh!...
Listen NowThe Christian life is a life of joy—but also one of tears. Jesus was a man of joy, but He wept, both over his nation and over lost souls. In this convicting message, Adrian Rogers show us that the things that broke the heart of Jesus ought ...
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