Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

Victory Over the Flesh

Pastor Rogers shows how, in the historical account found in the Old Testament, God has placed a picture for us to help us live in the here and now. Get ready for a journey that will bring you a place of victory over the flesh!...

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Adrian Rogers

Time Out for Tears

The Christian life is a life of joy—but also one of tears. Jesus was a man of joy, but He wept, both over his nation and over lost souls. In this convicting message, Adrian Rogers show us that the things that broke the heart of Jesus ought ...

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Adrian Rogers

The Prayer Life of the Lord Jesus Christ

There is much we don’t understand about the mystery of prayer. But God has commanded us to pray, so we must learn how. The best way, is to study the prayer life of the Son of God: whose every move was in concert with His Father....

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Adrian Rogers

Israel and Bible Prophecy

Mid-East turmoil seems never-ending. And truthfully, it is—until Jesus, the Prince of Peace, returns to rule and reign from the throne of His father David in Jerusalem. But in the meantime—what? Using past and present events, Adrian Rogers ...

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Adrian Rogers

Beautiful Living Through Bountiful Giving

We make a living by what we get out of life. But we make a life by what we give back to life. Paul learned it was more blessed to give than to receive. When we die, we leave behind all that we have and we'll take with us all that we are. Ad...

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Adrian Rogers

Christ: The Sinner's Refuge

Are you wondering what a city of refuge is and how it deals with Jesus? Adrian Rogers explains that God wants people to be saved so much that He fills the Bible with illustrations and pictures! The "City of Refuge" is one of those....

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Adrian Rogers

The Scars of Jesus

Scars tell a story - whether they are ours or the scars of Jesus. But His scars ARE ours. You may find it hard to believe there’s a risen Savior who cares about you and shares your pain. It was hard for Thomas, His disciple, until he saw th...

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Adrian Rogers

Bible Baptism

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Matthew 28:18-20 There are two common misconceptions people have about baptism: that it is either necessary for our salvation, or that it is not important at all. Adrian Rogers says, “This is a church, no...

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Adrian Rogers

The Grace of Giving

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 8-9 Adrian Rogers says, “All giving is wrapped up in grace.” In 2 Corinthians chapter 8, Paul recalls how God poured out grace upon the church of Macedonia—a church struggling under the wei...

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Adrian Rogers

Don't Let An Election Steal Your Song

Are you discouraged about the way your nation is going? As contention and infighting headline the news in these desperate days, we need to get quiet in God’s presence, center on Him, and listen. If you’ll get the message of Habakkuk down in...

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