Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

The Tale of Two Trees

Is man basically good? And if we just get him into a perfect environment all will be well? Eden is the story of two trees: the tree of death and Calvary's tree the tree of life. Genesis foreshadows the cross and our need of a Savior....

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Adrian Rogers

How to Function with Unction

The Bible not only tells us how man came into being, but why and what man is like. God didn't create you to be meaningless. He created you with purpose, with the power of God on your life. This study of Genesis 2 will help you understand ho...

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Adrian Rogers

The Rest of Your Life

Many don't know that God commanded rest as well as work. God established a day of rest. We need peace from toil and labor a time to reflect and recuperate. Adrian Rogers explains that God's resting on the 7th day teaches something we need t...

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Adrian Rogers

Image or Imagination

For generations now we've been bombarded with Darwinian theories in school and the media. Once a theory, it's now taught as fact. Creation God's hand is excluded. Did God create man? Or did man create God? Your answer is critical ultimately...

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Adrian Rogers

The World in a Week

To think that God created this whole world in just a week or did He? Was it 7 days as you and I know it? Or 7 eons of time? Dr. Rogers begins his series on Genesis with clear teaching on the controversial issue of Creation....

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Adrian Rogers

The God of Creation

Did this world just happen"? Nothing plus no one equals the world we live in? You'll never comprehend the Bible until you understand this foundational truth: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" Genesis 1:1. The key to al...

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Adrian Rogers

The Judgment Seat of Christ

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:9-17 1 Corinthians 3:9 says, “For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.” We, as the Church, are the temple of God; we are to be bringing brothers and sis...

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Adrian Rogers

A Lifestyle for the Last Days

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 Peter 3:13-16 As children of God, we live in hostile territory. All who will live for Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 1 Peter is a handbook for our survival; it reveals a lifestyle for the last day...

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Adrian Rogers

A Clean Conscience: Jesus, Our Cleansing Agent

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Hebrews 9:11 In Numbers 19, we learn that ceremonial uncleanness is inseparably linked to death. Yet, as we study the tabernacle, we see that Jesus Christ, our High Priest, cleanses the pollution of the so...

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Adrian Rogers

The Ark of the Covenant: Christ, Our Security

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Exodus 25:10 By definition, an ark is a chest for safe keeping; the Ark of the Covenant speaks of our security in Christ Jesus. He is not only the One who saves; He is also the One who keeps. Exodus 25:10 ...

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