Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible. 

1 Corinthians 15:9-10

Freedom From the Performance Trap Outline and Legacy Collection

Many of us believe the lie that God will only accept us on the basis of our performance. But this idea is the opposite of grace and faith in Jesus. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how grace grants us freedom from the performance trap.


Romans 6:6-7

Abounding Victory Through Amazing Grace Sermon Outline

Nothing liberates us from lives of sin like the wonderful grace of God. God’s plan for us today, tomorrow, and the rest of our lives is abounding victory through His amazing grace. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares key phrases in Romans 6 to teach us how to have victory in our walk with Christ.


Deuteronomy 5:6-21

It Takes God to Make a Home Outline and Transcript

Our families cannot survive apart from a moral base, which is why it takes God to make a home. In this message, Adrian Rogers refers back to the timeless Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy 5, to reveal God’s plan for our homes in this morally corrupt world.


Galatians 5:1

Liberated Living Sermon Outline

We live in a world that speaks much about freedom but knows little about it. Jesus came to set the captives free, to break the power of sin. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the liberated life we have in Christ.


Titus 3:3-7

This is Your Life Sermon Outline

As Believers, this world is not our home; but while we’re on our way to glory, we are to demonstrate God’s grace to those around us. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the life we could have, if we choose to live grace-filled lives.


Proverbs 16:18

The Problem with Pride Outline and Transcript

The problem with pride is that it is a dangerous and deceptive sin. Nothing brings more destruction to our nation, homes, and relationships than a prideful spirit. In this message, Adrian Rogers defines pride, and shares the five ways it can devastate us if we don’t deal with it.


Titus 2:11-15

Don't Be a Disgrace to Grace Sermon Outline

Salvation is something we could never obtain ourselves; it is only by His grace that we can be saved. There is not one spiritual thing to earn, but there is so much to learn. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares four principles to guide us, so we don’t become a disgrace to God’s amazing grace.


Titus 2

From Grace to Glory Sermon Outline

The amazing grace of God is what writes our spiritual biographies. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains how God saved us, and brought us from grace to glory.



Trophies of Grace Sermon Outline

In his letter to Titus, the Apostle Paul claims him as his own son in the faith. He calls Titus a trophy of grace—his life being the evidence of a true believer. In this message, Adrian Rogers defines grace and shares how our lives should be the evidence of it.


1 Corinthians 15:45

The Day Death Died Outline, Transcript, and Legacy Collection

Death is a fact. As believers, we have hope in Jesus Christ, who beat death and rose from the grave. In this message exploring 1 Corinthians 15, Adrian Rogers gives a picture of the day death died.

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